Time for wine, is it?


I am still here, I just have been finishing up Grad School, and then put myself into apply-for-job-mood and methods. I am now a “Sivil Ingeniør”, they call it in Norway, in Project planning.

The first snow fell yesterday, and I went for a walk to enjoy the falling snow. The result you see in the picture above. It was beautiful out there!

To get into this job search mood, and put on the steel armor that is needed for the hard process to get a job, any job, that give the results I want, was not an easy thing. One have to mentally prepare itself to hear that you do not suit the many jobs you are applying for.

But one thing is for sure, to give up or give in to the thought that there is no jobs for YOU, or in this case ME, is not an option. Because it is. Always. The job is not necessary exactly what I like to do, or where I want it to be. But it is THERE, somewhere.

I have my shining armor on, my sword – my computer -and my love for life, and have jumped straight into the world of job hunt. I love new challenges!

And on the upside, it is weekend! And time for some bubbles. Yes? I found some cheap, and good bubbly a good while ago, and it is delish! Cool it down to take some sips while you prepare the dinner tonight, and maybe serve it to your light colored meat or fish you are  serving tonight for dinner.


The Bitch is back, but not with a regular schedule.

I am fit to fight and have lot on my mind. Hug someone today, and lots of love to you all.
